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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

a new pet turtle

Hey, Mama just bought us a new pet turtle last week, we named her Karry. She is 1/2 inch in length, and she is tame and friendly, we put Tucker and Karry in separate tanks. Everyday, Master put Karry into Tucker's tank and let them play together, but Karry is still scare of Tucker. You see, when the first day Karry stay in our house, we decided to put Karry into Tucker's tank, and then Tucker bite Karry's feet. And several days past, they started to communicate with each other, but we still put them in separate tanks so that Karry won't be too scared. sorry there's no picture in this post cause the camera was broken.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bad news and Happy endings

Its hard to tell you this, but..........Jordan, he flew away when the cage dropped on the floor and broke. It wasn't Master's fault, it was Master's grandmothers fault, well not the granma at mama's side of the family, is the granma at Dad's side of the family . Mama hung the cage outside our backyard. Soon, it is going rain and granma wanted to take the cage down without using a stool to step on. And suddenly, poom.....pring.......clong......clank.....,it was the cage!!!!! Then, Jordan and Lisa flew away, and granma ran out and chase them, and she caught Lisa, we put her into a special carrying box while granpa was fixing the cage.

And she was alone for4 days, but she still has a lonely friend named "Lisa's reflection" .Until yesterday, guess who came? her new real live friend, Kyle.

He has a body that look like a picture of the beautiful summer sky and a white wing like Lisa. But he still got black stripe back of his body from head to wing tip just like other budgies exept the lutinos and the albinos like Lisa.

here's a picture of them in their new life:

here's a full image of Kyle:

And here's a picture of me sitting on my favourite perch while master was changing my food bowl: