Here's a very bad news reported last night at 8.30p.m., Dad's car was been snatched by a car snatcher but luckily, everything that are priceless are in the house, good thing the golf set was in the house, or else Dad will be crying 24-7(which means 24 hours a day in 7 days a week).
Dad reported to the police station and went searching for it. Dad has been going to every police station in the entire city to report one by one and never came back for one whole night!
The news was spread to the entire street, not just the street, the whole town knows about it, and he is now back home without his car but with his father's car, he is on the phone with the police right now. if i were an adult human, i would park my car near my house instead of parking it at the bus stop. Well, i guess this is it, no happy endings.
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