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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Inception: A Possibility

Imagine, for just a moment, inhabiting someone’s mind – living within their dreams. You have free reign to mold and shape their reality as you see fit, directing the course of their life by impressing ideas upon their subconscious that’ll dictate the actions they take, changing their world forever, almost like a group of dream navigators, Now, Inception is just a movie – a work of pure fiction – but the idea of planting an idea in someone’s mind is not. You can’t necessarily access someone’s dreams, but you can have access to their subconscious, where their most influential thoughts and ideas come from and where inception can, in fact, take place. Like any powerful tool, inception can be wielded for good or evil.  Use it to help others help themselves and you’ll be a silent influence on their success. Use it carelessly, and risk destroying important trust and relationships. To understand someone’s greatest hopes and dreams is to understand the core of who they are. Think about your own goals. You build your entire identity around these things. Every action that you take gets weighed in your mind as to whether or not it’s helping you achieve what you really want out of life. When your whole identity is wrapped up in something, you’ll do all sorts of crazy things that casual observers would scratch their heads at and disapprove in trying to achieve it. That doesn’t matter to you because if it works, it’ll be the greatest accomplishment of your life. Every single person has this ideal, but some hide it better than others. If you want to find it, the only way that’ll really work is to do ten times more listening than talking. People will tell you exactly what they want from life if you’ll only listen. It’s common to want to talk about your own life and your own desires, but to really get to know someone, you kind of have to shut up long enough to hear what they have to say. Build in yourself a sense of extreme curiosity. Ask lots of questions and listen intently. We’re reluctant to tell each other exactly what we want in straightforward terms for fear of being thought silly, but we’ll hint at it in everything we say. Learn to read between the lines and you’ll see far beyond the face value of someone’s words. You’ll see their most intense wants and desires for their life. Once you have that nugget, you have the key to their mind. Now you can start forming the ideas that will help them achieve it completely undetected. The human mind rejects creative ideas that aren’t genuinely inspired, so if your mission is to win the heart and mind of someone that disagrees with you, whatever idea you want to give them must not look like it came from you, but from within themselves. How do you do this? By framing it in their own language. If you haven’t tried it before, it’s rather incredible what people will tell you about themselves when you listen. As the late Dale Carnegie liked to say, “The sweetest sound a man can hear is that of his own voice.” It’s human nature to want to get your own point across, but it’s a folly to do it before you understand how it will be perceived. Everyone has a unique world-view that dictates exactly how they’ll receive an idea. If you listen long enough, you’ll find out exactly what the world looks like to someone. Once you have that, you have all the tools you need to drop the right hints and ask the right questions that will fit your idea into their own dreamscape. Be careful how you present your idea. Don’t come right out and offer it. Instead, lead into it and let it be discovered. The best way that I know how to do that is play dumb. When someone comes to you for help with something, you might have exactly the idea they need to fix their problem, but if you offer it to them, they won’t follow through because any success they have is your accomplishment, not theirs. Instead, lay out the pieces and pretend like you can’t put it all together yourself. If you toss enough hints out, they can make the important connections that lead to the solution by themselves. All of a sudden, it’s their idea instead of yours, and that makes it far more potent. Take no credit for your idea. Instead, congratulate them for discovering it themselves. Remember that inception, like any other tactic, is a tool that can be used for good or evil. What constitutes the two always depends somewhat on the person making the judgment, but inception is not just a useful tool; it’s a required one for any form of leadership. That’s what leaders of every walk of life do; they set the direction of the ship for their followers and allow them to make the decisions that actually propel it there. They get to know the people they’re helping and how they’ll receive different ideas, then create an environment that enables them to put their own pieces together. You can layout all the instructions and tell people exactly what to do, but then you’re not a leader, you’re an instructor. An instructor’s reach is limited; a leader’s is not. So, feel free to use inception for your own goals but, of course, do so with noble intentions.

Déjà vu: Explained

Déjà vu is a feeling of having experienced something in the past in spite of the experience being a new one. Some attribute it to disorders in brain while some link it with past life. 

On seeing something you had never seen before, have you felt to have seen it? Have you sensed of knowing something that is yet to happen? It was Déjà vu. What is Déjà vu? Déjà vu is the phenomenon wherein one feels sure to have experienced a new situation previously. While facing an entirely new situation, one feels a familiarity with something experienced in the past. One feels to have been through the same thing in recent past or to have seen it in a dream. Most of those who get the Déjà vu feeling claim to have seen something in their dreams or are pretty sure to have seen it some time ago.

Interestingly, it may so happen that one of the human eyes perceives a certain thing before the other. One eye records the incident earlier. The other eye, which records the same incident milliseconds later, makes the brain get a feeling of recollection. One eye perceives something and the brain interprets it. The other eye that lags in time by a few milliseconds perceives the same thing and sends the image to the brain. As the brain perceives the same thing milliseconds later, the person senses it as having seen it before. This idea cannot be an exact reason behind Déjà vu, as people with only one eye, also claim to be experiencing Déjà vu.

Interestingly, it may so happen that one of the human eyes perceives a certain thing before the other. One eye records the incident earlier. The other eye, which records the same incident milliseconds later, makes the brain get a feeling of recollection. One eye perceives something and the brain interprets it. The other eye that lags in time by a few milliseconds perceives the same thing and sends the image to the brain. As the brain perceives the same thing milliseconds later, the person senses it as having seen it before. This idea cannot be an exact reason behind Deja vu, as people with only one eye, also claim to be experiencing Deja vu.

Not everyone believes that everything has a science to it! Some theories attribute Deja vu to certain psychic abilities that some human beings possess while others say that Deja vu feelings are a result of past life experiences, However I say that Déjà vu is actually a glitch in the matrix. Indeed, Deja vu has something to do with the so called ‘world’ that we live in!