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Friday, May 1, 2009

Caution : Swine flu

Oh My God!!! help!!! Swine flu is spreading though the air!!!!

Hey guys, have you ever heard of " Swine flu" or "influenza A", it was caused by a virus called "A (H1Ni)"it was caused by pigs and it all started in Mexico. there has been thousands of victims that had caught this flu, and not even 1/4 of it are survivors, most of it are dead!!!!...... And as i said, it all stared in Mexico and then to Canada, then even Hong Kong had it, even AUSTRALIA and New Zealand had it, ooohhh, i hope my friends end Austin won't catch the flu. And then it spreaded to Thailand and Singapore, and it will soon spread to MALAYSIA!!! so if any of you want to survive, don't go out and play to long. Don't let the virus catch you or you'll be "Gone"!!! it's even better to not go out and play, it's coming closer and closer and closer each day and one day it will be all over the world!!!

So please keep yourself clean and healthy to prevent this illness......bye now....


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